I HATE busyness! I despise it at times! It is an evil necessity at times BUT I still hate it! Life has just been so incredibly busy And there have been days when I just want the merry go round to stop so I can get off.
It's times like this when God gives me small pictures of Himself or little reminders that come in the most unexpected places. AND Sometimes it requires more than one incident to get my attention.
This week started with waking up with a nasty sinus headache - the type that makes you think your head will explode & could ruin any social gathering you might be in attendance at! I know some of you are thinking "TMI" so I will move on.
Then at the end of that day I learned of the death of a lady who my Mom loved and who was always so good to my mom. My sister-in-law's Aunt passed quickly & to young. I continue to pray for the family as they now begin life without her. Anyone who has lost a loved one knows exactly what I mean. It is the most unsettling feeling in the world! And although time does help life is never the same.
The rest of the week was just filled with "Stuff" - Mostly good but a few things that were not so good. Then one incident that makes you want to do one of 2 things:
l. Throw up your hands and walk away
2. Punch someone in the nose!
l. Throw up your hands and walk away
2. Punch someone in the nose!
Actually a 3rd thing - Do both 1 & 2 in reverse order! ;)
Then comes that still small voice that says, "Excuse me - Remember me? You know the one Who loves you Unconditionally? The One Who promised I would help you through it? Remember me? I am still here! So why don't you let me help you? I am going to do it anyway so why not come alongside and see MY Victory in & through you! "
Then He gives me the visuals - sitting in the church sanctuary waiting for a practice CD after rehearsal & looking up to see the Cross all lit up. I know it sounds weird but it did something - it stirred something inside me! Every song I have ever heard about the cross came flooding into my head!
" The Old Rugged Cross"
" Jesus keep me near the Cross "
" Oh the Wonderful Cross"
" There is a fountain"
" Jesus Paid it all"
" At the Cross"
" When I survey the wondrous Cross"
And so on...
" The Old Rugged Cross"
" Jesus keep me near the Cross "
" Oh the Wonderful Cross"
" There is a fountain"
" Jesus Paid it all"
" At the Cross"
" When I survey the wondrous Cross"
And so on...
The Cross - it always touches a very deep part of my soul! The punishment that should have been mine was endured by someone Who did not deserve it! The worst type of death mankind could inflict on any one person was done to the One person in History that was completely innocent! The deserving person should have been me.
My heart runs through a whole list of emotions. From deep sorrow to joyful, humbling gratitude! It's then I realize that those things that press for my attention & push for my mind pale in comparison to the Cross. Those things that anger me or frustrate me are nothing - absolutely insignificant when placed up against the cross and the power it holds in my life. I have heard it said that next to the birth of Christ, the death & resurrection is the most defining moment in history. If that is true then my view of life should always be filtered through the cross.
So what started as a rant about the horrors of busyness has turned into a reminder of not only what He has done but what He will do. That I need to spend more time praising for His provisions! Praise Him for His goodness! Praise Him for His unconditional love that reaches me even when I don't deserve it - which is most of the time! And praise for the Cross that means more to me then I could ever even put into words!
Where ever you are in life today I pray that you will see with new vision what Christ has done for you (& me). Regardless of what you are facing in life the power of the Cross will give you ALL that you need.
And now? I have go and practice what i preach~
"When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" Always brings tears to my eyes~ Enjoy!
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