Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Tree and the Father Part 1

I have been pondering this since Sunday.
The Cedar trees of Lebanon and the Father.
Do they go together? Thus the reason it has taken me a few days to begin the process of answering this for myself.

Two seperate stories yet can they be intertwined? Don't know for sure but I would like to give it a try.

One part of the story takes place when Jesus goes out to be baptized by John. John of course argues that he is unworthy to baptize the Son of God but Jesus reminds him that he was created for 'such a time as this'

So John does it - he baptizes Jesus, the Son of God. As Jesus comes out of the water He hears His Fathers affirmation, "...My SON in Whom I am pleased!"

I think so often we rush by that - not stopping to think about the implications of that moment. Maybe it's just because it speaks to a depth of my heart that nothing else touches. Whatever the reason this part resonates into my inner being. Jesus - who is fully man AND fully God - Who left His heavenly home and heavenly body to come and live life here on this planet so we could have salvation, redemption, forgiveness AND a High Priest Who sympathizes with us. Jesus hears His Fathers voice! He HEARS His VOICE! Think about that for a moment! For those of us who lived without a dad or whose dads have passed on - to Hear their voice!?

I can remember as a child waiting, wondering, sitting out on the edge of the driveway wondering if the car coming down the street was my dad. Being disappointed time and time again when it wasn't him. Waiting for that phone call and when it would come I knew it was HIS voice! Pure joy! Such excitement to hear the voice you had been longing for!

I want to know what Jesus was thinking! I want to know what stirred in His heart when He audibly heard His Fathers voice! That's a question I have for the future sitting around the campfire in heaven :)

Hearing His Father's voice~ The one He had been separated from by location for 30  years! I would like to think that His heart had to be so overwhelmed with peace and excitement. To hear not only His Father's voice but to hear Him say, "THIS is MY beloved SON!!" Just gives me goose bumps thinking of the implications of that moment~

A geniune love between Father and Son~ Doesn't get any better then that~

So what does a tree have to do with this story??

Well I'll tell ya tomorrow! :)