Saturday, May 10, 2014

My Hope

We make plans
We have dreams of where we see our lives going. 
We strive and plan and move in a direction we feel led to go.

Yet, we experience times in our lives when it's as if the rug has been pulled out from under us. 

Times when we feel someone has knocked the wind out of us. We doubt our past decisions and walk with fear & hesitation into the future.

Wanting to move forward, yet so afraid we will mess it up.
So afraid we will make a mistake.

My hope for the future is only because of the God of my future. 

Whatever direction I turn I want it to be in tune with Him.
However, I know that I am human, and I make mistakes-past & present. 
I also know confidently & from experience that my decisions, good and bad, will not change Him.

His love remains! 
His faithfulness remains!
His mercy remains! 

Nothing in God's character will ever change! 
I can't leave His presence!
I can't find an end to His faithfulness! 

I hang on to Him!
My hope!
My rock! 

And when the storm rages & the wind blows around me, I lean into Him & on Him. 
When we hold onto Him & lean into Him, we find our strength, our peace and our hope~

We make plans
We strive for the future
When the plans change it is not always because of our wrong choices or that we failed to hear His direction. 
Sometimes the plan changes because that is what He wanted. 
He has something to teach us maybe or simply because He wants us to put our hope in Him.

Whatever you are facing
Whatever the struggle is
How I pray you grab on to Him! 
That He will be your hope! 
There is nothing better! 
I promise! 

He has never failed me
(despite me).
AND He never will~

My Hope

Nothing will change if all the plans I 
make go wrong Your love stays the same
Your light will guide me through it all,
I’m hangin’ - on I’m leaning in to You

Nothing can reach the end of all Your
 faithfulness Your grace is with me,
Through every shadow, every test
I’m hangin’- on I’m leaning in to You
I don’t know where you’ll take me
But I know You’re always good

My hope is built on nothing less than Your great love,
Your righteousness I will not walk another way
I trust Your heart, I trust Your name
I’m holdin’ on - I’m holdin’ on, to You

You are my rock when storms are raging all around,
You shelter me, God I’m safe with you on solid ground,
I’m hangin’ on I’m leaning in, to You I don’t know
where you’ll take me but I know You’re always goo

My hope is built on nothing less than Your great love,
Your righteousness I will not walk another way
I trust Your heart, I trust Your name
I’m holdin’ on - I’m holdin’ on, to You

5 Stones

I have heard the story so many times! I can recite it probably in my sleep! A very young man with great faith & confidence in his Great God fights the big bad bully AND Wins! Becomes the Hero! No guns! No Bombs! Just a sling & stone!

I would venture to guess that most people have heard the story - Whether you've been in church or not 'David & Goliath' is a classic! AND a good one to use for those who are the underdog. I have even heard it used in news reports, "Another David & Goliath story!" We always root for the underdog right? When the bully is winning & the one who is being ' taunted' steps out with victory in hand we stand up & cheer. Right?

There are so many parts to this story that I love:

1. David went to check on his brothers out of obedience to his father. He could have chosen NOT to go - humm - maybe I'll explore that another time.

2. There was an entire army of men w/weapons who could have fought this giant of a man yet their fear kept them from moving-kept them from everything!

3. When David arrived to check on his brothers and heard this giant of a man taunting God's people, He was shocked-Completely Shocked! Come ON! After all, these were Gods people! God could certainly have squashed that giant with the very tip of His fingernail! These people had seen ALL that God had done! Yet here they were frozen in the desert because of this bully AND David couldn't believe his eyes and ears over the blatant disregard for his God and the unbelief of God's people.

4. David did not hesitate - I'll say it again. David DID NOT hesitate! He stepped up without hesitation and said,"I will fight this big bad bully!" Was he crazy? Was it because he was so young? No fear of death? maybe? Could be however, I think, it was simply he knew his God and was not going to allow anyone to ridicule his God or God's people.

5. Even though King Saul objected he agreed to let David fight that giant which should tell us a whole bunch about Saul's character but that's for another time! King Saul insisted that David wear the king's armor if he was going to fight Goliath. Yet, when David put it on it was to big for him. So, he felt it best to use the weapons he was familiar with. David had to fight the battle with the tools God gave him - not with another persons armor.

6. David had experienced God's provision in the past - he knew God would be his provision with Goliath. It was not the size of the giant - it was the size of his God

7. He did his prep work - He got his stick, went down to the water and picked out 5 smooth stones and put them in his shepherds bag - along with his sling. He prepared himself for battle. Not as a warrior but as a shepherd. He fought as only he knew how.

8. Despite the giants obvious displeasure that Israel sent a 'dog to fight him' and his words of 'I will mop the floor with you' (my paraphrase), David came and said, "I come at you in the Name of the Lord God of Israel. Today I will take you down and cut off your head!" (another paraphrase). David knew the victory was his but only because of His God.

9. David did just as he claimed. He used one stone - it only took one - he picked out five - but he only used one. With God's power and God's given talent David used one stone in his sling shot to kill Goliath.

So many wonderful details of this great story! Great spiritual applications on all of them. Yet, this was simply a story of God enabling one young boy to accomplish what a whole army could not do - take down the giant. 

Yet, right now - the most intriging part of this story for me is WHY 5 stones? Why mention a specific number? Is there a significance to the # 5?? OR is it just a detail that was included?

As I have pondered this over the past few days a few things have come to mind. All of which might not be right or mean anything to anyone else but it has certainly caused me to think through the possiblities

One possibility is that David being a shepherd was just preparing himself. The slingshot was the only weapon he had. He used it while tending his sheep. He knew he needed to prepare himself for any scenario. So, he did what he had done probably a hundred times or more - went down and found 5 smooth stones that would fit in his shepherds bag & work perfectly in his slingshot.

One avenue I considered was - Did it show his unbelief? I mean if he really believed that God would give him victory then he would have known he only needed one stone - right? As much as that is a possibility I have to rule that one out. Reading David's words and his response shows no disbelief in anyway.  He KNEW what God could do! He knew God's love for His people! He knew God demands and deserves honor & respect.

I really have to believe that David was simply doing what he had been trained & taught to do. He lived his life as a shepherd. He had to be prepared at all times for anything while out tending the sheep. He had his shepherds staff, shepherds bag and slingshot! He was not a warrior at this point in his life. He was a shepherd! I hesitate to say it but a simple shepherd. He tended smelly, needed animals. Protected  them with his life.

He was experienced enough to know how good of a shot he was. If he knew how accurate he could throw then he knew how many stones he would need. He knew he needed five -He also knew he could do it with one. God had enabled him to do his job and God would enable him to do this task of defeating the Giant whether it was 1 or 5.

So many spiritual applications in all of this for me personally but I think the one that sticks out the most is:

God has given me abilities and talents unique to me. He enables me to use those gifts to walk this thing we call life. When gaints come it is through His power that I can defeat those gaints. The power is there and mine for the taking. He won't give me someone elses armor to do the battle - He will enable me to use what He has already given me. I can battle because of WHO HE is.

He expects me to come prepared - just like David - I must be in His Word, in prayer, having put on His armor I can then be ready for the battle. God will still do the work but preparation is key! When we are each prepared He can do great things in and through us!

Another part that for me is so important? The army that was paralyzed by fear? They had all the tools to fight yet their fear seemed to have overwhelmed them. Ever felt that way? I know I have! I know Who my God is and I know I can do all things through Him. Yet, I also know that my human nature often looks at the 'giant' & it stops me in my tracks. And sometimes God will walk me through that - just Him & I. But usually He provides a brother or sister in Christ to come alongside. Someone who is not intimidated by MY giant. They will then come in prepared & fight that giant for me & with me - reminding me Who my God is and where my strength comes from.

So, in closing - guess it really doesn't matter if David had 5 stones or 1 stone. The most important thing is He knew Who his God was and that was all that matter. He went into the battle prepared & trusted his trustworthy God to help him defeat the enemy. When those around him were frozen in fear he was able to step forward & lead them into victory.

I want to be prepared! I want to be able to come alongside and help defeat the giants. Whether my own or to come alongside someone else. I like to carry a small stone in my pocket sometimes to remind me who my Rock is. As well as, a reminder that it also only takes one stone.