Sunday, February 05, 2012

A sweet aroma

I have always loved the small ways that God uses the children I work with to teach me things. Their innocence is refreshing & makes it so much easier to see things that you usually miss.

This past week one of my 2 year olds (who sometimes acts more like a teenager than a 2 yr) had a question for me. I got down & kneeled on the ground so I could look at her face to face. She proceeded to say, "Miss Sheri how do you smell?" To which I said, "Ummm what do you mean?" And with her impatience showing she said, "How you smell?" and proceeded to reach over & sniff my neck a couple of times.

She stepped back & let out a satisfying "Awhhhhh!" Which made me chuckle - I said, "And how did I smell?" Very matter of fact she said "Oh good Miss Sheri".

I kept thinking that I was grateful that I had a good "aroma" :) Then that got me to thinking - which really is never a good thing. My 'aroma' obviously was very pleasing to this little one. She was quite content. Would others agree? Would the people around me taller than 4' agree that my aroma was pleasant? In general I sure hope that my aroma is not offensive;)

I want God to be pleased - I want whatever I do & say to be a pleasing aroma to my God. I kept thinking - When He sees me & watches my interactions with others is He pleased with me? Is He satisfied? I sure hope so. However I am pretty sure there have been many times ( & more to come) when my actions are less than sweet - probably very foul smelling!

All I can do is start each day with the knowledge of who He is & who I am. That it is only because of His grace & mercy that I can even hope to be a sweet aroma.Then pray that He will work through me to be HIS sweet aroma to those around me.