You know God never ceases to amaze me. He uses the simple things, the things that we do or use all the time to remind us of Who He is & just how much He loves us.
I love music - it has been a part of my life for.. forever:) My mom loved music and passed that on. Music is one of many tools that I believe God uses to speak to me. Music often reaches into our soul in ways that nothing else can. I think that is why there are times when I am singing that the tears flow. The songs are not just words to me - the songs are truth about God & Who He is.
He so often uses music to reach me when I need it the most. He did that at church on Sunday. I didn't realize that I was feeling a bit weary & tired. I didn't realize that I needed to be reminded that despite what is happening around me, He is still on His throne! I didn't realize I needed that pick me up~
We were singing the song "You are the Everlasting God" - which is one of my favorite songs. It is one that God used to comfort & encourage my heart when my mom was ill & when she passed away. There is so much truth in the words - AND I find that He uses it often to remind me of those truths over & over.
When we started singing I realized just how much I needed His reminder - I needed to know that He does not grow weary, He does not faint, He defends the weak, comforts those in need, lifts us up on the wings of eagles.... He is everlasting! We just have to wait on Him - rest in Him.
The tears started to flow & I can't stand it when I do that on stage - fortunately I was standing amongst the choir in hopes that no one was watching - I was trying to be 'inconspicuous' hoping no one was seeing the tears. I just couldn't help it. God knew what I needed before I did - AND had that song picked out just for me.
The other thing that really touched me was that God could have left it there - just using the song to remind me that He loves me & He would be all that I needed. That was enough but He wanted me to know that in a tangible way.
He used a Kleenex box - Yes I said a Kleenex box.
God prompted someone to provide a Kleenex box. God prompted someone to notice.
God prompted someone to be His hands & feet.
I know it seems silly - but for me it was His way of giving me a reminder I could see.
He didn't have to do that.
He didn't have to meet me at all on Sunday - but He did.
Whether it's music, sunsets, His word, or yes even a Kleenex box - God will meet us where we are-always!
I guess that must mean He loves me very much! And if that doesn't make me feel good then .... humm I don't know how to finish that!
"You are the everlasting God, the everlasting God! You do not faint, You won't grow weary! You're the defender of the weak. You comfort those in need. You lift us up on wings like eagles."
Good stuff :)