Tuesday, May 08, 2012

For the Love of Children

Today was a very busy day – yet intertwined with the busy-ness were 2 things that just put things in the proper perspective.

First one:
I had stepped into the 2 year old room to help out for a bit. The teacher had the Veggie Tales Sunday school songs CD playing. Some of the kids were standing around the player kind of ‘dancing’ to the music. SO I sat down & sang along & danced a bit with them.

One the songs that started to play was “Oh how I love Jesus” – one of my favorites – and so I started singing. One of the little ones came over & gave me hug but didn’t let go – he was trying to dance with me while I sang along with the song.

I don’t know if it was just me but I sensed that it was very soothing to him – he just snuggled through the whole song! It made my day because it really reminded me of why I do what I do. And the realization that it is only because of God’s grace that I get to do what I do! I am so very humbly grateful that God in His infinite wisdom changed my life circumstances drastically to move me into working with children. I pray I never stop thanking Him for this wonderful gift.

That incident was enough for today yet God is so gracious & loving He gave me one more.

Second one:
We were serving snack this afternoon - I realized that one our 3 yr olds was not eating - he was crying & very upset. This is one who does not cry very easily.

I called him over & asked him what was wrong - he wanted to tell me what was wrong but I couldn't quite get it out of him. So we went for a walk to the kitchen so that we could wash off his face & maybe get to the bottom of what was wrong.

What I realized was that his feelings were hurt & that it I had hurt his feelings. You see he had been doing something he wasn't suppose to do & when I asked him to stop it did something inside of him - so when I was trying to get him to tell me he was reluctant to tell me that I hurt his feelings. I was able to get him to tell me why I had hurt his feelings & I reassured him that it was okay to tell me if I hurt his feelings.

It was at that moment that I realized that my opinion of him matter – that he valued me – he had finally bonded with me. It’s something we have been working on. He has had some struggles in the classroom & we have been working on helping him learn self-control. He has been improving & I have been very proud of him & he has been very proud of himself – AND even more pleased when he gets to give me a high five & show off his stamp for the day.
My opinion of him mattered! And when I called him out for his behavior–which  was not big deal from my perspective- From his perspective? He was crushed! He took it personal - right to the heart.

I gave him a hug & asked if everything was okay & he said yes. We started to walk back down the hall & he reached up & grabbed my hand. We walked back out to the yard hand in hand & it almost made me cry.

Here was this little one whose heart was crushed unintentionally by me yet he was willing to take my hand & trust me again. The simple act of him reaching up & grabbing my hand was his way of saying that he still valued my opinion, he still loved me and he knew that I loved him no matter what.

God in His grace & mercy calls us His children. He trains us, grows us up, disciplines, picks us up & brushes us off. He is always ready, waiting & willing for us to come & crawl into His lap so we can tell Him how we are – we can even tell Him when our feelings are hurt. He won’t cast us out – He won’t tell us to go away – He won’t make us feel less important.

He also will wait for us to take His hand – He holds it there but we have to grab it – we have to take hold. This little boy has no idea what he did for me today. How very special this whole thing was. He will probably never know how God used it to remind me of how much He loves us.

What this little one will know is how much God loves him – How much God will always be there – he will know that God’s love is unconditional.

I am so humbly grateful that God gives me moments like this with these precious little ones. I learn so much from them & they are constantly reminding me in so  many ways just how much God loves us – always~

Sunday, February 05, 2012

A sweet aroma

I have always loved the small ways that God uses the children I work with to teach me things. Their innocence is refreshing & makes it so much easier to see things that you usually miss.

This past week one of my 2 year olds (who sometimes acts more like a teenager than a 2 yr) had a question for me. I got down & kneeled on the ground so I could look at her face to face. She proceeded to say, "Miss Sheri how do you smell?" To which I said, "Ummm what do you mean?" And with her impatience showing she said, "How you smell?" and proceeded to reach over & sniff my neck a couple of times.

She stepped back & let out a satisfying "Awhhhhh!" Which made me chuckle - I said, "And how did I smell?" Very matter of fact she said "Oh good Miss Sheri".

I kept thinking that I was grateful that I had a good "aroma" :) Then that got me to thinking - which really is never a good thing. My 'aroma' obviously was very pleasing to this little one. She was quite content. Would others agree? Would the people around me taller than 4' agree that my aroma was pleasant? In general I sure hope that my aroma is not offensive;)

I want God to be pleased - I want whatever I do & say to be a pleasing aroma to my God. I kept thinking - When He sees me & watches my interactions with others is He pleased with me? Is He satisfied? I sure hope so. However I am pretty sure there have been many times ( & more to come) when my actions are less than sweet - probably very foul smelling!

All I can do is start each day with the knowledge of who He is & who I am. That it is only because of His grace & mercy that I can even hope to be a sweet aroma.Then pray that He will work through me to be HIS sweet aroma to those around me.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Song & A Box of Kleenex

You know God never ceases to amaze me. He uses the simple things, the things that we do or use all the time to remind us of Who He is & just how much He loves us. 

I love music - it has been a part of my life for.. forever:) My mom loved music and passed that on. Music is one of many tools that I believe God uses to speak to me. Music often reaches into our soul in ways that nothing else can. I think that is why there are times when I am singing that the tears flow. The songs are not just words to me - the songs are truth about God & Who He is.

He so often uses music to reach me when I need it the most. He did that at church on Sunday. I didn't realize that I was feeling a bit weary & tired. I didn't realize that I needed to be reminded that despite what is happening around me, He is still on His throne! I didn't realize I needed that pick me up~

We were singing the song "You are the Everlasting God" - which is one of my favorite songs. It is one that God used to comfort & encourage my heart when my mom was ill & when she passed away. There is so much truth in the words - AND I find that He uses it often to remind me of those truths over & over.

When we started singing I realized just how much I needed His reminder - I needed to know that He does not grow weary, He does not faint, He defends the weak, comforts those in need, lifts us up on the wings of eagles.... He is everlasting! We just have to wait on Him - rest in Him.

The tears started to flow & I can't stand it when I do that on stage - fortunately I was standing amongst the choir in hopes that no one was watching - I was trying to be 'inconspicuous' hoping no one was seeing the tears. I just couldn't help it. God knew what I needed before I did - AND had that song picked out just for me. 

The other thing that really touched me was that God could have left it there - just using the song to remind me that He loves me & He would be all that I needed. That was enough but He wanted me to know that in a tangible way.

He used a Kleenex box - Yes I said a Kleenex box. 
God prompted someone to provide a Kleenex box. God prompted someone to notice. 
God prompted someone to be His hands & feet.
I know it seems silly - but for me it was His way of giving me a reminder I could see. 

He didn't have to do that. 
He didn't have to meet me at all on Sunday - but He did.

Whether it's music, sunsets, His word, or yes even a Kleenex box - God will meet us where we are-always! 

I guess that must mean He loves me very much! And if that doesn't make me feel good then .... humm I don't know how to finish that! 

"You are the everlasting God, the everlasting God! You do not faint, You won't grow weary! You're the defender of the weak. You comfort those in need. You lift us up on wings like eagles."

Good stuff :)